Sunday, December 30, 2012

Crime and the United States

A crime is defined as "an act committed in violation of a law forbidding it and for which a variety of punishments may be imposed." Crimes are classified into two basic groups; "mala in se" which are crimes that are evil in themselves, and "mala prohibitita" which are crimes that are only crimes because society at the time deems them wrong.
In these days crime is more easy perceived by society. Surveys of public opinion in the United States show that more and more people believe that crime is increasing. People feel less safe in their environment and have thus taken measures to protect themselves.
But is this view accurate? Most of the crime rates from 1973 to 1992 have risen greatly. In 1973 there was a murder every 27 minutes. Now there is a murder every 22 minutes. The astounding fact is in 1973 there was a violent crime every 6 minutes but now it has increased to a murder every 16 seconds. Crime per thousand from between 1983 and 1992 rose 9.4 percent but from 1991 to 1992 it went down 4 percent. In recent years crime has been decreasing. Property crime, murder, robbery, and burglary have all decreased at least three percent in recent years but that is not much. There is one exception; rape which has gone up 3 percent. Violent crime has risen 40.9 since 1983 while in recent years it has only gone down a tenth of a percent. This may be one of the reasons people feel less safe. People aren't afraid of larceny or property crimes. They are afraid of violent crimes, which is why is recent years they feel insecure.
Many people believe the problem is in the trial system itself. Not enough people are convicted. In our trial system where you are innocent until proven guilty and to be proved guilty it must be done beyond reasonable doubt or preponderance of evidence in civil cases. After it has finally been very well proven a judge or jury must unanimously decide the criminal is innocent or guilty or it is declared a hung jury. It also is too easy to get a shorter sentence on a plea bargain. For instance a person accused of armed robbery, an offence that on average a person would get thirty years for; the criminal will often plead guilty to a lesser offence such as carrying a concealed weapon. Carrying a concealed weapon would often give a six year sentence but the criminal often gets off in half that time. So you see how the sentencing just went from thirty years to three years.
Another possible cause is our prison system. Prisons breed crime themselves. If a burglar is sent to prison he must contend with the violence inside it by being rough himself. This means a burglar who enters a prison may emerge a murderer. Prisons are often used to rehabilitate and made more pleasant as so to not create the cultures that develop more criminals in them. This often makes prison seem not so bad to criminals. That solution is worse then the problem.
Is the United States crime problem as bad as people think it is? The crime rate in the United States isn't even in the top fifteen. The problem in the United States is the rise in violent crime. The United States ranks third in the world in robbery and violent theft. There is a rise in juvenile crime too. A possible reason for this is the breakdown of the family. In families where both parents work the kids are left alone or in a day care. The parents are around less for support. This makes it that much easier for the kids to become delinquents.
There are many possible ways to fix the United States crime problem and the rise in violent crime. One solution is to use the death sentence. One less murder alive is one less murderer on the streets. Another answer is to prohibit handguns. The second amendment may give the right to bear arms but it isn't clear whether this right should be granted to individual citizens or an official state militia. The Supreme Court has never ruled on this issue. Without handguns nobody would be afraid to be held up. It would be much safer to go out at night. When crime makes people live their lives differently and possibly in fear something must be done.

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