Sunday, October 14, 2012

A hands on guid to Ancient china


An essay on ancient China can be educational but also very

fun and interesting. China differs from other culteres by its wide range

of topics such as government, religion, and its ethics...... I hope you find

this essay very informative and the info. not to be wrong.

Geography has always played a important role in Chinas history. Beca-

use of Chinas enormous size it has always been hard to conquer and even

harder to unite. China is split into three parts by three river vallies, the

Haung, the Chang, and the Xia.

Because of heavy rainfall. Major flooding took place all the time and

in reaction to this the floods would wash away good soil used for farming

It would also wash away cities, and villages with records and stuff like that.

Most of the rest of China is covered with mountains or is very dry and

hilly, and on the northwest border of China there is a huge, cold desert

called the Gobi. Because of this, the north-west part of China was extre-

mely less populated.

Alot of the features of China have kept itself isolated so they have really

evulutioned all by itself without much outeside activity.

Chinas history did not really have (or mention) leaders, it really just

mentioned dynesties. Chinas had three dynasties. The first of which was

the Xia (2,000 b.c. to 1,500 b.c.) except for ancient legions one really

doesn't know much about the Xia rulers. In 1,500 b.c. the Xia rulers were

overthrown and the Shang dynasty came into focus and into place.

During the Shang dynasty, Chinese artists were busy making beautiful

art figures, religious stuff, and were making weapons out of bronze.

Eventhough the Shang dynasty lasted for several hundred years most

of the rulers were extremely viscious and had fun playing games of tort-

ure. The nobles lived very rich lives and were treated very good in

contrast to the peasents who were extravigatingly poor and were spit

upon as if they were the scum of the earth even though the rich folk

couldn't get along in life without the peasents because the peasents

provided their food. They rulers of the Shang dynasty were so cruel that

they would not only sacrifice animals for religious sarimonies they would

also have humans sacrificed. Because of the way people were treated the

chinese drove the Shangs out.

After that the Wu Wang dynasty came into play at around 1100-256

b.c. It lasted longer than any other dynesty in the history of china. The

Wu Wang dynast grew to have land from the eastcoast and from the

Chang river in the south.

China is a humoungis country stretching for over 1,800 miles from

the mountains and ice in Tubet. In the west trough lots of trees and

deaserts to the coastline in the east. Chinese root first started at the

mouth of the Yellow river in the midle of the country where the soil is

a rich, yellowish earth named Loess.

Peasents almost allways provided the food for the entire Chineze

empire. Usually there wasn't enough food for the entire so great famines

were not totally unusual (some times the peasents even rebelled against

their rich owners.

Rich people had a pretty cool diet it ranged from ox to bears and

bird soup to dog meet. Some times at great feasts their would even be

over 300 meals to choose from. While rich people had a "exciting" diet

peasents had often not even enough food to survive. Their "diet" usualy

consisted of only vegetables and rice. People up in the north usually ate

alot of cereal but in the south they usually ate rice, nuddles, bread, and

bean churd. Most of the time the Chinese ate food out of small bowles

and used chop sticks as eating utenciles.

Rich and poor people of China wore totally differint clothes. The poor

folk of China wore baggy hemp trousers and a loose shirt underneith and

for shoes they wove together straw. While rich men and women wore

robes of silk tied together tied at the waist with a large slash at the top of

the robe. The front of the womens robe opened a little to reveal a differ-

ent colored undershirt made of silk slippers with wooden shoes on their


So as I have shown U a report on China can be ver fun and interesting.

An essay on ancient China can be educational but also very

fun and interesting. China differs from other culteres by its wide range

of topics such as government, religion, and its ethics...... I hope you find

this essay very informative and the info. not to be wrong.

Geography has always played a important role in Chinas history. Beca-

use of Chinas enormous size it has always been hard to conquer and even

harder to unite. China is split into three parts by three river vallies, the

Haung, the Chang, and the Xia.

Because of heavy rainfall. Major flooding took place all the time and

in reaction to this the floods would wash away good soil used for farming

It would also wash away cities, and villages with records and stuff like that.

Most of the rest of China is covered with mountains or is very dry and

hilly, and on the northwest border of China there is a huge, cold desert

called the Gobi. Because of this, the north-west part of China was extre-

mely less populated.

Alot of the features of China have kept itself isolated so they have really

evulutioned all by itself without much outeside activity.

Chinas history did not really have (or mention) leaders, it really just

mentioned dynesties. Chinas had three dynasties. The first of which was

the Xia (2,000 b.c. to 1,500 b.c.) except for ancient legions one really

doesn't know much about the Xia rulers. In 1,500 b.c. the Xia rulers were

overthrown and the Shang dynasty came into focus and into place.

During the Shang dynasty, Chinese artists were busy making beautiful

art figures, religious stuff, and were making weapons out of bronze.

Eventhough the Shang dynasty lasted for several hundred years most

of the rulers were extremely viscious and had fun playing games of tort-

ure. The nobles lived very rich lives and were treated very good in

contrast to the peasents who were extravigatingly poor and were spit

upon as if they were the scum of the earth even though the rich folk

couldn't get along in life without the peasents because the peasents

provided their food. They rulers of the Shang dynasty were so cruel that

they would not only sacrifice animals for religious sarimonies they would

also have humans sacrificed. Because of the way people were treated the

chinese drove the Shangs out.

After that the Wu Wang dynasty came into play at around 1100-256

b.c. It lasted longer than any other dynesty in the history of china. The

Wu Wang dynast grew to have land from the eastcoast and from the

Chang river in the south.

China is a humoungis country stretching for over 1,800 miles from

the mountains and ice in Tubet. In the west trough lots of trees and

deaserts to the coastline in the east. Chinese root first started at the

mouth of the Yellow river in the midle of the country where the soil is

a rich, yellowish earth named Loess.

Peasents almost allways provided the food for the entire Chineze

empire. Usually there wasn't enough food for the entire so great famines

were not totally unusual (some times the peasents even rebelled against

their rich owners.

Rich people had a pretty cool diet it ranged from ox to bears and

bird soup to dog meet. Some times at great feasts their would even be

over 300 meals to choose from. While rich people had a "exciting" diet

peasents had often not even enough food to survive. Their "diet" usualy

consisted of only vegetables and rice. People up in the north usually ate

alot of cereal but in the south they usually ate rice, nuddles, bread, and

bean churd. Most of the time the Chinese ate food out of small bowles

and used chop sticks as eating utenciles.

Rich and poor people of China wore totally differint clothes. The poor

folk of China wore baggy hemp trousers and a loose shirt underneith and

for shoes they wove together straw. While rich men and women wore

robes of silk tied together tied at the waist with a large slash at the top of

the robe. The front of the womens robe opened a little to reveal a differ-

ent colored undershirt made of silk slippers with wooden shoes on their


So as I have shown U a report on China can be ver fun and interesting.

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